Thursday, April 16, 2020

Reflections - The Genesis of Sin

The Genesis of Sin

God spoke and the earth, air and water formed
God spoke again and mammals, birds and fish spawned
God took dust and his spit to make dough
Out came man his nostril breath God did blow
God willed that harmony abide
But the evil one did Eve chide
Did God really say you must not eat of any tree?
Eve asserted not any but just the one in middle you see
Oh, said the cunning servant why might that be 
To which Eve said knowing not what it means: that we will die
No, no said the serpent, that you will not
Instead you will be like God knowing truth and lie
Now the fruit on the tree became more than what it seemed
Its beauty, it's fragrance, it's lustre gleamed
Eve could no more resist and out she reached 
Took a luscious bite and gave to Adam too and God's covenant they breached
Their pure being they sullied 
Becoming aware of their nakedness they hurried
He called to them but sensed that something was aboard
The serpent had tricked and Adam and Eve were gored 
With sin that God so abhorred
Hid they behind bushes fearful of Him they so loved 
In shame they stitched leaves that God disposed 
Bloodied skin he imposed 
To cover their nakedness, life of labor and pain was enforced
In Jesus we are redeemed 
By blood much esteemed
That obedience to God and His Word is where the Kingdom lies
Being free of sin and to commune with God at Eden where He strides
Being obedient children to a Heavenly Father and his pride.

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