Friday, May 8, 2020

Reflections - Havens of Peace and Tranquility

Havens of Peace and Tranquility
One such Retreat Centre


We live in a complex world with goals and ambitions that make a high demand on our time, our patience, our resources, and our physical and mental well-being. 

Where does one go for answers when human wisdom seems to have thrown up its hands? Where can you feel a sense of empathy for what one is going through? Where can you get swept into the groundswell of praise and worship of the Lord to momentarily forget yourselves? Where can you experience the special presence of a deeply caring being?

Where can you spend time in reflective prayer without any disturbance? Where can you meet gifted counselors who can give you insights into your situation? Where can you find someone who will lead you into prayer and initiate you into a different path? Where can you get back your health, wealth and peace of mind? Where can you experience the live and thrilling presence of Jesus? 

Many have found solace and comfort at the Renewal Retreat Centre (RRC) Bangalore, and made it their destination for weekly pilgrimage. The sea of faces at the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Malayalam on Sundays at the Renewal Retreat Centre is indeed a remarkable sight. The faces reflect the intensity of worship, while it hides the different reasons that have drawn them there. It is perhaps no different at the English, Kannada, Tamil or Konkani Prayer Meetings and Retreats. 

The Centre has become a significant part of many people's lives. It has become a Centre of Hope and Thanksgiving. So much so, that a missed Sunday of Worship produces a sense of 'something missing' among the regulars. 

Akin to an incident related by T Thomas, Chairman, Hindustan Lever, in a book on Mother Teresa. Mr Thomas was waiting for Mother Teresa in the car at Mother's Home to take her to a location where a new home was to be established, when Mother after advancing toward the car, suddenly retreated and ran back into the House.

When asked what happened back there, Mother Teresa said that she had forgotten to say 'bye' to Jesus. To her Jesus was a member of her home – and not saying 'bye' was a bit like a child leaving for school without saying bye to his parents.  Not going to the Centre for adoration is a bit like missing Sunday Mass for rooted Christians. 

Where does the Centre derive its divine power? That it is an anointed place with its workings willed by the Holy Trinity is in no doubt. Equally, it is the singularity of its purpose – to offer solace to the multitude that flock there – uniting them in the fervor of praise and worship, insightful sharing of the Word of God, life-changing and spirit-filled advice and self-discovery, and space for reflection - to come to terms with their feelings and the hope in Jesus Christ. 

The Centre is also the creation of an anointed man of God and people who were inspired to contribute generously to its construction and ceaseless expansion with facilities for residential retreats in several languages. The Centre is the meeting point – as in Michelangelo's painting on the ceiling of Sistine Chapel – of God's desire to commune with his people and people's need to see God working in their daily life - resolving conflicts and enabling peace to dawn, a peace that passes all understanding. 

Father George Jacob Poothakuzhy, who presided over the Center's affairs and is the lead minister (not anymore), and the moving force, is to many of us a reflection of Jesus (as it should be) in his exhortation to righteous living, but importantly, his burden for the people, as he cries out to the Lord listing all our petitions. From concerns for good partners and good jobs or business success to children doing well in their exams; from healing of bodily sickness to mending of hearts and minds for peace and harmony in our homes. 

At the service, Jesus becomes live when we hear how Jesus is answering our specific concerns and problems. Many of us have experienced the truth of the messages. The finale at the Adoration is truly absorbing as Father carries the Eucharist in procession through the worshipping congregation leaving within each of us the feeling of Jesus walking in our midst.  

Some of you reading this article have personal experiences of Jesus working in your life.  However, many do not and you may want to share this article with them, so that they too may be blessed in ways that you and I have been…and much more… a good measure, packed together, shaken down and overflowing (Lk 6:38).

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