Ilene Goldman • HI Doug, I have recently evaluated 5 web survey software tools and I like SurveyGizmo the best... I looked at SurveyMonkey, ConstantContact, Volici and Zoomerang. SurveyMonkey offered the most flexibility in design and packaged a lot of business analytics. The cost is great and you can purchase month to month ... I created a Customer Survey and launched in less than 2 weeks ..and that included getting my team trained (via Webinars) and dealing with internal people ..which you know can be the big bottleneck as everyone has their opinion. Check it out. They offer 1 mos free!
Jean Legros • I have had a very good experience with Zoomerang. They offer free testing within your linkedin or other social media network but with 12 questions max and 100 respondent which is small both ways. Therefore, I had to purchase a panel responding to specific the very least to be nationally representative. But overall, ease of execution, and thought the customer service was very good.
Bill Bender • Doug, I had a presentation from this company yesterday which was interesting. I have not used them, so I have no personal experience with the company or products. However, you may want to go online and review their "Audience Tester" and "Campaign Tester" products at: Good luck and tell us what you end up using.
Greg Weber • My market research firm does a lot of perception tracking and testing, primarily for large clients such as Philips and Microsoft. While we use SurveyMonkey, I've found that you can quickly run out of capabilities. So, we also use Illume from DatStat. It is a full featured online tool that lets you embed video, show concepts, do complex data piping, etc. And the reporting on the backend provides crosstabs, conditional filtering, etc. so it is great for demographic or segment analysis. Plus, if you have healthcare clients and you are talking to their patients, Illume meets all of the HIPAA security requirements. They are approved by the Center for Disease Control. It is much more expensive than The Monkey, but depending on what you want to do, it is worth it.
Nevin Grinnell • Doug, Check out I don't know the size of your budget or the impact against your business, however, this can be a realitively inexpensive, fast, but intelligent research process. Not plug and play, but results should be good based on your efforts.
David Marks • We had excellent results with Survey Monkey on a rebranding project -- both for preliminary perceptual input and feedback on execution options for rebrand campaign that was just named as one of top 100 global rebrands.
Shiloh Kelly • Doug, We are currently using
They have a wide range of services that are worth a short presentation to your group. Let us know what you end up choosing and its results.
Mailine Swildens • Hello Doug,
There is a group called VisionCritical that develops proprietary testing communities for your branding concept and animates the communities. Some fortune 500 clients.
Karen McPhillips • If you want a really good, long-term approach, try Not your standard online tool, but proven methodologies and algorithms from a couple folks who worked on the Human Genome project.
Bill Karwoski • Hi Doug,
My company offers an online survey tool designed to help marketers be more precise in developing market positioning and messaging that will cause attraction and grow your brand. It's a qualitative research tool that can accurately measure emotions and at the same time a quantitative instrument that can deliver statistically meaningful conclusions with predictive validity. It will you understand at a deep level how people actually think and feel about your company or brand. Check us out at click on Clarity Survey.
Eric Granof • There is a firm called Protobrand that just came up with some really cool new online research tools called Meta4. There is a cool youtube video here
Karl Sowa • If you are looking for feedback on Internet-based products, is a terrific tool, and it's very affordable. It's mostly focused on usability testing, but you can structure the setup to get at some branding reaction as well.
They have a wide range of services that are worth a short presentation to your group. Let us know what you end up choosing and its results.
There is a group called VisionCritical that develops proprietary testing communities for your branding concept and animates the communities. Some fortune 500 clients.
My company offers an online survey tool designed to help marketers be more precise in developing market positioning and messaging that will cause attraction and grow your brand. It's a qualitative research tool that can accurately measure emotions and at the same time a quantitative instrument that can deliver statistically meaningful conclusions with predictive validity. It will you understand at a deep level how people actually think and feel about your company or brand. Check us out at click on Clarity Survey.